Online Learning
Cabrillo Distance EducationCabrillo recognizes how vital it is to provide a full range of online services to remote students, whether they are distance students, or students learning on campus using technology-mediated instruction. The Teaching and Learning Center and Distance Education sites contain many resources for faculty and staff, and continue to evolve as the technology becomes more resilient.
Online Education InitiativeThrough participation in the Online Education Initiative (OEI), California Community Colleges have made great strides in finding ways to increase college completion and transfer. This highly innovative consortium focuses on supporting outstanding online teaching and course design, and includes quality student support services embedded directly in the Canvas learning management environment.
Title V GrantThe US Department of Education Title V grant has driven changes in student outcomes by emphasizing active and collaborative learning strategies, and bringing a technology-focused solution to extend learning outside the classroom in an online hybrid environment. Innovative and inclusive teaching and learning is a strategy to close the success gap.